Termite Control & Wood Destroying Insect Reports (WDI’s)

Wood Destroying Insect Reports (WDIR)

If you are purchasing a home, you should always have a WDI done to protect you from buying a home with termite issues. Many types of loans will require you to get one. We have strict requirements for what is needed on the WDIR. We will draw a diagram of the house and do a comprehensive inspection of your home inside and out looking for termite activity such as damage or dirt tubes. We will also be looking for conducive conditions that may be easy to fix and help prevent termite damage in the future. During the inspection we will also be looking for evidence of carpenter ants, another common wood destroying insect. Most days we will be able to treat the carpenter ants that day and give you an invoice proving remediation to allow the process of buying a home to go smoothly.

Pre-Construction Termite Treatments

If you are building a home this is a unique opportunity to prevent termites from becoming a problem in the future. There are two common types of treatments, soil treatments and wood treatments. We prefer to treat the studs with a product called Boracare. It is a much simpler treatment, and we believe it is more effective. The borate is sprayed on the wood studs from the foundation to two feet up the studs. The borate soaks into the wood which makes the wood poisonous to the termites. It is also much easier to get the treatment done. We have been in this industry for a long time and we know how hectic the construction process can be. Treating the wood gives us a larger window in which the treatment can be done. A pre-treatment is always recommended because the cost is much lower than what you may have to pay in the future for a termite treatment post construction.

Post Construction Termite Treatment

There are many methods for treating termites post construction we prefer the use of a liquid termiticide. The most important step of any termite treatment is locating the termites. This will generally require an extensive inspection, which is why termite treatments can be so expensive. Many of our competitors generally recommend having the whole house treated which can be very costly and often is unnecessary. Generally, there will be one or two spots on your home where you are susceptible to termite infestations. We try to do spot treatments whenever we can and just treat the area where the termite activity is present. We may also recommend treating or fixing any areas that are conducive to a future infestation of termites. You will be given several options after our inspection. You will receive as much information as possible to help you make the decision that is best for your home.